We have our companies' backs
With its 15-member team, Jacob Waitz Support GmbH supports the companies of the group as a central service provider. With a wide range of management and controlling services, we keep our companies' backs free. This allows them to concentrate on sales, purchasing, production, research and development.

Hello, I'm Tanja Köhn. At JWS I'm responsible for property management. I applied here 24 years ago for my training as an office administrator. The invitation to the interview was received over the phone by my parents and somehow there was a misunderstanding: I thought I was supposed to come for an entrance test first. So for this test, I rode on my scooter in casual clothes to the office in Theaterstraße. Suddenly, I found myself face to face with Mr. von Waitz (the senior at the time) and his assistants for a formal interview. I was zero prepared for that, so we improvised. But that was apparently good, because two days later I got an acceptance letter.
Since then, I've trained as an office administrator and real estate agent, worked in many areas at JWS, and built up the real estate division intensively. In the course of time, more houses were added, we became more modern. There was always a lot to do and a lot of variety - which was good, otherwise I probably wouldn't have stayed so long. What I like about the job is my freedom to make decisions and the trusting cooperation with the management.

Hey, my name is Marta and I'm training to be an office management assistant at JWS. I was made aware of the Waitz Group during a job center coaching program. I applied last year in June, which was relatively late. But everything worked out well, so I was able to start my training right away. I was enthusiastic and still am. My focus is on secretarial work and accounting, for example incoming and outgoing invoices and financial clearing. I was looking for training in this area because I see it as a great combination of theory and practice. In theory, the figures reflect what happens practically in companies on a daily basis. I have found something I am good at and there is always a connection to the companies, which is important to me.
Through my work at JWS, I get to know the companies in the group well. In July, for example, I was in Karben at Uniflex Hydraulik for a week. There I looked at a different department every day. In the Kassel office, I particularly like working with Mr. Chadda. When we work together, it never gets boring. The atmosphere here is good, everyone is helpful and I received a warm welcome. On my first day at work, my birthday was already marked on the calendar in the kitchen. It's these little attentions that play a big role.

My name is Philipp Gerber, I am a legal advisor at JWS. My office is on the same corridor as Friedrich von Waitz's and we are in constant exchange. I can often hear when he wants something from me by the sound of his footsteps in the corridor. I enjoy working closely with the management. It is always challenging, the issues are very diverse. My background as a licensed attorney on the one hand and as a real estate person on the other, with a master's degree in "Real Estate Management and Construction Project Management," gives me a good foundation for the diverse issues facing the Group. Every day I receive inquiries from the engineering, agriculture, forestry and real estate sectors, both from internal and external sources. When there are construction projects in the group, I sit at the table with the other project participants, the construction companies. This is also how I supervised the gutting and refurbishment of the residential and commercial building in Opernstrasse in Kassel. That was a nice challenge.
My role at JWS is what JWS is to the Group: Just as I keep off the backs of people at JWS so they can concentrate on their important tasks, JWS keeps off the backs of the companies in the Group so they can devote themselves to their core business. In this way, I help to lay the foundations for the success of entrepreneurial activities throughout the Group.

My name is Rahel Chadda, I currently work in the accounting department and am responsible for receivables and payables accounting for several companies in the group. At JWS, I have worked for a wide variety of industries. I started here in 2004 in the real estate sector with my training as a commercial clerk in the real estate and housing industry. Along the way, I became increasingly involved in accounting. So right after my training, I continued my education to become an accounting specialist, in parallel with my community service and part-time work at JWS. That was an exhausting time. But it was also fun. I took on every challenge I was given.
I know the accounting processes at JWS pretty well. My activities are partly routine work. At the same time, however, I work with different companies in different industries, diverse languages and cultures on a daily basis. That's the great advantage of an international and thematically broad-based group.